Bmore Historic 2024 will be at the Baltimore Museum of Industry on Friday, September 27, 2024. Register here!
What is Bmore Historic?
Bmore Historic is a participant-led “unconference” for people who care about public history, historic preservation and cultural heritage in the Baltimore region. Bmore Historic brings curious and committed people together and asks them to set the agenda.
Who should attend?
Historians, preservationists, museum professionals, archivists, librarians, humanities scholars, students, volunteer activists, Main Street board members, educators, and anyone interested in exploring the intersections between people, places, and the past in Baltimore and Maryland.
How much will it cost?
Bmore Historic 2024 ticket costs:
- General Admission: $15
- Student: FREE
- New Professional/Retired/Under-Employed: $5
- Supporter: $25
Our organizing team
Our 2024 organizing team includes:
- Jordan Britton, The Walters Art Museum
- Jessica Celmer, Baltimore Museum of Industry
- Kate Drabinski, University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC)
- Johns Hopkins, Baltimore Heritage
- Nicole King, University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC)
- Dean Krimmel, Creative Museum Services
- Sasha Krongos, UMBC Graduate Student
- Mike Kuethe, Baltimore Museum of Industry
- Deyane Moses, Afro Charities
- Elizabeth Norman, The Walters Art Museum
- Acadia Roher, The Jewish Museum of Maryland
- Molly Ricks, Baltimore Heritage
- Allison Seyler, Johns Hopkins Sheridan Libraries
- Jeni Spamer, Baltimore City Archives
- Kalin Thomas, Multimedia Maven
Our code of conduct
The organizers and hosts for Bmore Historic are dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), or technology choices. We do not tolerate harassment of Bmore Historic participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery are not appropriate for any venue, including talks, workshops, happy hours, Twitter and other online media.